There are many reasons to sell property.
* Inherited Land? * Owe Property Taxes? *Too far From Home?
Our mission is to offer a fair price and make it easy to sell in your time frame.
About Us
Affordable Land Company is a property investment company that specializes in purchasing vacant, raw land. We are interested in agricultural, rural, residential infill lots, or commercial properties. Our goal is to provide the landowners with a quick and easy solution to dispose of their property without the hassles of listing it for sale and waiting for a buyer to make an offer to purchase. Affordable Land Company and our partners will purchase your land for cash and close within 10-30 days depending on title work.
Sid Dean is a 4th generation Texan, a graduate of Texas A&M, and has resided in the Dallas Forth Worth Metroplex for the past 35 years. When not working in real estate his passion teaching kids hunting and fishing. Sid is a founding member of Christian Outdoors Ministries, where he serves as Vice President.

817 259 0576